What a fantastic book to base this years world book day costume on but Roald Dahls 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory'. The good thing with every character in this book is that they have their own background story.
From Charlie himself, a young boy who's luck changes for the better too Augustus Gloop, the biggest chocoholic!
World Book Day - Charlie Bucket
Who wouldn't want to dress up as the kind hearted Charlie Bucket, the luckiest boy who finds the last golden ticket and who is able to witness all of the wonderful creations of Willy Wonka himself.

This fantastic costume comes with the white top and jacket, blue trousers and to top it all off, it has a detachable golden ticket so you can really rub it in that you are the winner!
World Book Day - Chocolate Factory Boss aka Willy Wonka
The most mysterious character of them all.. Willy Wonka. Wouldn't it be fun because for one day you can keep all of the secrets in the world. You don't need to tell anybody how the ever lasting gob stopper is made or even how it tastes as that's your secret.

Nobody needs to know.....
World Book Day - Augustus Gloop
Let's be honest, who isn't a fan of chocolate? Well if you are then this truly is the perfect costume! I mean who wouldn't want to fall into a river of melted chocolate?

This fantastic outfit comes with a blue shirt with an attached long sleeved green jacket and oversized black bow tie. The trousers have an attached hoop inside the trousers adding to the ever expanding waistline.
World Book Day - Veruca Salt
Now i know that nobody wants to be a spoilt brat, however this character truly is that. Let's just look at it this way, for one day you could get just anything that you want. Now wouldn't that be nice!

This lovely outfit comes complete with a pretty pink dress with a hot pink sequin top and an attached satin bow belt. To finish this off there is a blue silk shawl and a bow for your hair!
World Book Day - Violet Beauregarde
Stand out in this amazing costume! I mean who wouldn't want to be a massive blueberry? Not only does this come with a golden ticket, it also comes with a novelty packet of gum! What else would you expect when becoming the world record gum chewer?

Team this up with some purple face paint to really add to the complete blueberry effect!
World Book Day - The Winning Golden Ticket
Here's my idea. A group of friends and you could all dress up as the fun characters of this Roald Dahl novel. And obviously somebody has got to come as the winning golden ticket! I mean who wouldn't want too...