Top Costumes for World Book Day

March 3rd is World Book Day. You know, that day when your child suddenly reminds you that they've got to have the BEST fancy dress costume ever, with only short notice?
Yep, that one. So to stop your frantic search through the old fancy dress box, or worse your wardrobe, wondering what on earth you can make look like Elsa from Frozen's wonderful blue dress, even though you're sure that wasn't adapted from a book, no matter what your little one says, we've piled together a list of the best fancy dress costumes for this year's World Book Day.
1. Alice in Wonderland/The Mad Hatter Fancy Dress Costumes
With it being 150 years since Lewis Caroll wrote one of the most unforgettable children stories ever told, it seems quite fitting that Alice and the Mad Hatter (or even the White Rabbit) come in at number 1 on our list. It's a classic, and fun fancy dress for World Book Day and in fact any other day too!
2. Little Red Riding Hood/The Wolf Fancy Dress Costumes
Again, another classic World Book Day fancy dress costume. But they're classics for a reason right? And what little boy doesn't want to dress up like a wolf and go roaring round the playground? And lets face it, I'd still like to go out for the day in that red cape....
3. Anything from the Jungle Book
OK this is just an easy option, but animal costumes are winners. They look great, and animal fancy dress costumes definitely easy to coax your little one into. They're also great for snuggling up with on the sofa on a rainy day or as a substitute dressing gown! With Rudyard Kipling's tale being made into a film, there's even more reason to get the kids excited for this brilliant book on World Book Day.
4. Matilda Fancy Dress Costumes
Who better to dress up as on World Book Day than the biggest book worm of kids fiction to date? This fancy dress costume is a no brainer for us. And if you think being Miss Trunchball might go down better than Matilda, don't panic, we've got that one too!
5. Harry Potter Fancy Dress Costumes
I think these costumes will continue making the cut for a long time to come and are a popular favourite costume for World Book day every year.. Who doesn't want to pretend you're at Hogwarts for the day instead of 'muggle' school? Transfigure your kids into these characters for the day with our great range of Harry Potter fancy dress costumes and it'll definitely be a success.
6. Fantastic Mr Fox Fancy Dress Costumes
Another Roald Dahl book. But he did arguably write some of the best children's fiction ever. Mr Fox is mischievous and suave, the perfect combo for World Book Day. And the Fantastic Mr Fox fancy dress costume's not bad either.
7. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Fancy Dress Costumes
This one is perhaps for the younger kids on World Book Day. But it's an iconic kids book, it came out in 1969 and is still being read to children worldwide. You could even paint a butterfly on your child's face to make the transformation complete. It'll also give them an excuse to eat all the ice cream, lollipops, swiss cheese (yep that's in there as a staple diet of a caterpillar) and watermelon they like. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Fancy Dress Costume is so adorable, I want one for myself!
8. The Worst Witch Fancy Dress Costumes
It's another magic school one, but the Mildred Hubble is a fantastic character, and the stories of her and her friends are easy to read and to relate to, it's classic boarding school fiction, with a touch of magic added in. A good team one too, if a few friends want to dress up as similar things on World Book Day.
9. The Cat in the Hat Fancy Dress Costumes
This one might be for the littler ones too. It is a brilliant tale, the book actually started out as an alternative to the run of the mill educational books that the schools found ineffective in getting kids excited about literacy. So Dr Seuss created 'The Cat in the Hat' which was a total contrast to the old boring stories, and was entertaining and funny to read, and a huge success. Appropriate for World Book Day, no? You can go for the full Cat in the Hat fancy dress costume or just add the Cat in the Hat's striped hat to a white tee shirt and black leggings with a red scarf for a low cost, cheat version of the costume.
10. Graphic Novels/Comic Book Characters Fancy Dress Costumes
If the above fail to get your little ones excited about World Book Day, then I think we can just about get away with comic book character fancy dress costumes. Batman, Spiderman and Superman all started as book characters after all, so I think they count.
11. The Gruffalo Fancy Dress Costumes
The Gruffalo is a hit with kids and parents alike and this cute Guffalo fancy dress costume will also keep your child nice and toasty in the cold on World Book Day.