Easter is an egg-cellent excuse to spend some much needed time with the family. Even if it's just a small party or an over the top Easter egg hunt, we have all the essentials to help make this Easter fun!
Easter Decorations
I don't know about you but I love to have bunting around my house. I literally have some for every possible event that goes on in the calendar. Over the top, maybe, but let's be honest we could all do with a little cheer this time of year.

Wooden Carrot Bunting
Our wooden carrot bunting is a funky addition to any party.

Hoppy Easter Pom Pom Bunny Bunting
Or hang this cute Bunny Pom Pom bunting in your hallway for a little easter cheer for all your guests to enjoy.

Bunny Shaped Honeycomb Decoration
This cute little bunny shaped honeycomb decoration will look perfect next to your vase full of spring daffodils.

Easter Egg Cut Out Garland
If your feeling creative, then you could make your own Easter egg themed bunting. Something creative to do with the children.
Or for those that just want one done for them then here's a colourful egg cut out bunting fit for purpose.
Tableware and Tea Party Fun
Let's face it, a tea party always goes down a treat. And to host the most egg-ceptional tea party you need tableware to fit.
Our Hoppy Easter themed range is the cutest addition.

Bunny Foil Paper Plates
These plates are just adorable. Who wouldn't want their plates to look like bunny faces?
The plate comes in two components, the bunny face plate and the ears need to be attached yourself. But when they are put together they will look cracking!

Bunny Foil Paper Cups
Who wouldn't want to drink out of a cup with a cute bunny and fluffy tail on? Literally these make me so egg-cited!

Carrot Shaped Napkins
And to finish off your tables, you have got to have these carrot inspired napkins. All you have to do is get a small piece of twine, and where the two colours meet tie it in a bow!
This will give you your very own carrot napkin! Egg-ceptional!
Easter Egg Hunt
Not only will this get you and the kids active, you are searching for the best thing in the world! CHOCOLATE! Thats right we have a whole range of different sweet treats that could be used along the way.

Sweets and Treats

Easter Themed Party Box
Our fun Easter themed party boxes could be used to collect all the delicious treats along the hunt.
Easter Bonnet time!
Making your very own Easter bonnet is a tradition that has been going on in schools for years. It's a chance for children to get creative and produce something that they can proudly wear.
We all know that really it's a competition for the parents or in my case God parent, yes I am competitive too. Here is what I created with my God Son for his egg-streme Easter parade.
When I asked him what he wanted on it all I got in return was football and chocolate.

Childs Black Cowboy Hat
So I got this childs sheriff hat.

Green Frindeg Tissue Square
And I added our green fringed tissue square.

Chocolate Footballs

Easter Chicks
Piled high with chocolate eggs, chocolate footballs, cut out bunny ears , footballs and tiny chicks.
And this is what we created! The almighty football themed Easter bonnet. See even with the smallest of specifications 'we' still created something great!

Don't panic there is still time to get all your egg-citing easter supplies. Follow the link to our egg-streme selection at Party Packs https://www.partypacks.co.uk/easter-party-supplies-cid12514.html and don't forget to have a cracking time!